Clothing For Homeless

We find that clothing is a need and a burden to the homeless. You may have a great wardrobe but you take it with you. Also clothing is easily stolen while sleeping in the streets. That is why we make an effort to be a constant provider of clothing for the homeless. This, like food, is something that can always be delivered constantly. People are constantly losing clothing or it is getting damaged and ruined. Most of them do not have the means to wash or keep their clothing in good condition or have the mental capacity or maturity.

During the warmer months the hoodies and jackets take a backseat to items like ponchos, rain coats, socks, shoes and other carrying items and waterproof sacks. We want to help the homeless with light weight gear that will help them survive the hot rainy days and damp nights.

During the colder months we like to add on sleeping items and under-clothing so that the homeless can stay layered and sleep fully clothed then remove some when the day breaks. This time is where backpacks and travel bags become the most handy. Again items can and will be stolen if not properly secured while sleeping on the streets.

Shoes are also an overlooked commodity on the streets. Shoes are hard to come by and very expensive in most cases. Shoes are the number 1 stolen item amongst the homeless. There are a lot of people that go to sleep with shoes and wake up without. When we go out to drop of clothing items to the homeless we will take the time to fit each person with the proper apparel that looks decent and fits. It’s a great feeling to see someone walk away happy with a fresh pair of shoes.

If you would like to help distribute clothing to the homeless or have items to donate please send us an email at

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